Categories: News

A Random Act Of Kindness


Armenian Weekly Staff
Fri, Apr 16 2010

Two months ago, the Armenian Relief Society Eastern USA Office received
a letter from Der Hayr Bedros Shetilian of Troy, N.Y. asking for
assistance for Larissa Arzumanov of Albany, N.Y. Arzumanov needed
immediate surgery to treat a complicated eye disease, but due to
unfortunate family circumstances was unable to pay for her medical

She was blind in her right eye and only had two percent vision in her
left eye. Surgery was the only solution in order to save her eyesight.

Arzumanov was a victim of the Armenian pogrom that took place in Baku,
Azerbaijan in 1988. She was a witness to horrible events, including
murder. She and her family were able to flee Baku for Russia with
nothing more than the clothing on their backs. She considers herself
very lucky to be alive today. She recently immigrated to the United
States to be with her son, her daughter-in-law, and her newly born

The ARS, as a humanitarian organization, immediately informed its
chapters of the urgency of this case, and chapters willingly sent in
their monetary donations.

Thanks to the combined efforts of the Armenian community and Der Hayr
Shetilian, today Arzumanov is doing well after a successful operation.

The Armenian Relief Society Eastern USA, Inc. Board of Regional
Directors would like to thank the individuals, members, and chapters
for their acts of kindness.

Toganian Liana:
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