Armenia Must State Its Position, Azeri Leader Says

April 15 2010

The sides have entered a crucial stage of the Nagorno-Karabakh peace
process, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev stated at a cabinet
meeting on the socio-economic development in the 1st quarter of 2010.

"The conflict can only be settled within international law. The
four resolutions of the U.S. Security Council must be honored, the
occupation forces must be withdrawn from the occupied territories,
Azerbaijani citizens must return to all the territories, including
Nagorno-Karabakh, whereafter Nagorno-Karabakh’s status must be
determined. This status is possible only within Azerbaijan’s
territorial integrity. Azerbaijan will never agree to any other
status. No state will recognize Nagorno-Karabakh’s independence
without our consent," Aliyev said.

According to him, Azerbaijan’s position has from the outset been that
the highest autonomy status can be granted to Nagorno-Karabakh. The
Azeri leader clamed that Azerbaijan has never implemented an ethnic
cleansing policy nor does it plan to.

"If the Armenian side accepts the proposals reflecting the norms
of international law, the Azerbaijani community must live with the
Armenian community in Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijanis there will,
on the one hand, ensure historical justice and, on the other hand,
meets international law," Aliyev said.

According to him, Armenia has to state its position. "We are at the
stage when we have to respond to the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs’
proposal," the Azeri leader said.

He reminded the attendees that Azerbaijan officially accepted the
proposal based on the revised Madrid Principles. "Very few points
arouse our concern in this proposal. The proposal should, with a few
exceptions, be taken as a basis for a peaceful agreement," the Azeri
leader said.

If Armenia rejects the proposals, negotiations will be senseless. "If
we see there is no hope, the negotiations must be suspended, and the
process will enter a new stage. It is yet too early to say what kind
of stage it is, but, in any case, we are ready for any scenario,"
Aliyev said. He expressed hope that Armenia will accept the proposal,
"in which case we will conduct more active peace talks, and they may
enter a new, positive stage."

As regard the Armenian-Turkish process, the Azeri leader stated
it is the two nations’ business and "no state should interfere –
neither our state nor others."

"Let the two states settle their relations. Of course, in settling
their relations they will consider the ongoing regional processes,
history and historical relations," Aliyev said.