Deputies Discuss Sargsyan’s Visit To Washington


April 15 2010

During his visit to Washington, Armenia’s President Serzh Sargsyan
applied to the U.S. administration for recognition and condemnation
of the 1915 Genocide of Armenians, suggested deputy of the AFRD
Artsvik Minasian.

At today’s press conference Artsvik Minasian said that the fact that
Armenia’s President had attended Woodrow Wilson’s Grave and didn’t
refer to the Arbitral Award on Turkish-Armenian Boundary by the
late American president causes concerns. He said: "This fact shows
that Armenian administration doesn’t still pay an attention to the
international importance of the Arbitral Award by Woodrow Wilson."

He said that considers the following statements to be an Armenian
side’s intention to continue the process of ratification for the
Armenia-Turkey protocols.

"The protocols are anti-Armenian and anti-national and no one should
think that one can prevent danger through refusing to ratify the
protocols. In order to get out of preconditions by Turkey, it’s
necessary to withdraw from the process of further ratification for
the protocols and to neutralize them," he stressed adding that backing
and filling here may influence Armenia-Diaspora relations.

Another Armenian deputy, Gagik Melikian said that he expected that
U.S. President Obama would make stronger statements this year during
his April 24 address to Armenians. Gagik Melikian suggested that
Armenian President Sargsyan had discussed with Obama this issue.