Categories: News

Pilgrimage To The Sourp Magar Monastery


Nicosia 14 April

Press release from the Office of The Armenian MP Vartkes Mahdessian
– We are delighted to inform the members of our community that the
Office of the Armenian Representative is co-organising, together
with the Armenian Prelature, a pilgrimage at the site of the Sourp
Magar Monastery on Sunday 9 May 2010. This pilgrimage will be under
the supervision of the UNFICYP. We would like to ask all persons who
wish to participate in this pilgrimage, to register with the Office
of the Armenian Representative via telephone number 22-454540 by
providing the following details.

– Name/Surname, date and place of birth – European ID number or valid
passport number – Citizenship

Participation cost 10 euros. We ask that you necessarily have with
you the European ID or passport you provide us by telephone on the
day of the pilgrimage.

The bus service will depart from the Armenian Prelature at 11:00
am exactly.

The last day of registration is Friday, 30 April 2010

Tambiyan Samvel:
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