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A liturgy in Echmiadzin to honor the Polish officials

Aysor, Armenia
April 17 2010

A liturgy in Echmiadzin to honor the Polish officials

At this very moment in the Mother See of Holly Echmiadzin by the
conduction of the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of all Armenians
Karekin II a funeral ceremony is being realized to honor the memory of
the victims of the air crash which occurred on the 10th of April and
took lives of the Polish president Lech Kachinski, his wife, Polish
state officials and clergymen.

There will be a Liturgy at the end of the Funeral ceremony.

As the reporter of the Aysor.am informs from Echmiadzin on the Liturgy
are present RA officials, members of the staff of Polish embassy to
Armenia, EU and OSCE representatives.

Kajoyan Gevork:
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