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Erebouni Reserve Museum to tell the history of beer

Erebouni Reserve Museum to tell the history of beer

2010-04-17 17:56:00

ArmInfo. Erebouni Reserve Museum will mark the International Day for
Monuments and Sites with a special exhibition.

Director of Erebouni Reserve Museum Gagik Gyurjyan said at today’s
press conference at Tesaket club that an exhibition entitled "Beer –
from Urartu to Yerevan" will be opened at the Museum on April 18. The
exhibition will present the history of brewing in Armenia from ancient
times up to the present. Gyurjyan pointed out that beer was produced
in Erebouni and Karmir Blur as early as 9-7th centuries B.C. Erebouni
Reserve Museum has crocks found during the excavations of Teyshebaini
on the Karmir Blur hill. Archaeologists found in these crocks traces
of beer made of barley and millet. Archaeologists also managed to
localize the brew-house, which was located inside the urban fortress.
According to experts, the brewery traditions were probably borrowed by
the Urarts in Assyria. Like in Assyria, not only barley, but also
millet was used for production of beer.

Nahapetian Samvel:
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