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Erebuni museum to host Yerevan Beer from Urartu exhibition

Erebuni museum to host Yerevan Beer from Urartu exhibition

April 17, 2010 – 15:53 AMT 10:53 GMT

On April 18, Erebuni historical and archeological museum-reserve of
Yerevan will host an exhibition, where a technology on beer production
in Urartu will be presented.

Director of the museum Gagik Gyurjyan said that beer and wine were
produced in Erebuni already in IX-VII centuries BC. Meanwhile, the
exhibition will present technologies on beer production in ancient
Urartu, as well as modern brewing technologies of Armenia, Gagik
Gyurjyan told a press conference on April 17. The exhibition will be
conducted through cooperation with Yerevan Beer organization.

The exhibition is a part of Yerevan Beer from Urartu event dedicated
to International Day for Monuments and Sites that has been celebrated
on April 18 since 1983.

`UNESCO declared 2010 the Year of Agricultural Heritage. It is known
that Karmir Blur and Erebuni are considered to be an agricultural
granary. Currently, a commission of historians, archeologists and
architects that was established by the Armenian Prime Minister’s
instruction and through the assistance of the Ministry of Culture is
developing a project on restoration of Erebuni museum-reserve,’ said

Erebuni is an ancient city founded by Urartian King Argishti I in 782
BC to serve as a military stronghold at Ararat valley. Erebuni ruins
are located on top of Arin-Berd hill on the outskirts of modern-day
Yerevan. Karmir Blur is a historical site and a part of Erebuni
museum. Items relating to the 7th century BC were uncovered during
excavations by Russian archeologist Boris Piotrovsky from the end of
1930s to 1971.

Yeghisabet Arthur:
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