Head of Armenian delegation calls on PACE president to commemorate

Head of Armenian delegation calls on PACE president to join with
Armenians in commemorating Genocide

16.04.2010 19:46

Yerevan (Yerkir) – Davit Harutyunyan, the head of the Armenian
delegation to PACE, has called on the organization’s president to join
with the Armenians in commemorating the Armenian Genocide’s 95th

`Recently you have referred to the commemoration of the Katyn massacre
as an event `about seeking historical justice and bringing about
reconciliation, ‘ the letter sent to PACE President Mevlut Cavusoglu
says. `This is most commendable indeed, especially hearing it from the
President of PACE, but above all from a Founding Member and elected
representative of Turkey’s ruling AK party.

Incidentally on this occasion you do not insist that history should be
left to historians. I hope you could live up to your views and join
the Armenian people in commemorating the historical injustice
perpetrated against them by the Ottoman rulers 95 years ago and defy
the denialists of the Armenian genocide in Turkey.’