ArmenTel organize tree-planting campaign, Armenia
APril 17 2010 ArmenTel organize tree-planting campaign

16:27 / 04/17/2010The information and analytical agency, in
cooperation with the ArmenTel Company, organized a tree planting
campaign in the Haghtanak (Victory) Park in Yerevan. Participating in
the action were also other media outlets, particularly the Haylur news
program, Golos Armenii (Voice of Armenia), Capital, Aravot (Morning),
Chorrord Ishkhanutyun (Fourth Estate), Zhamanak (Time) newspapers, and RFE/LR.

The participants in the campaign hope the 107 saplings will develop
into an Alley of Journalists in a few years.

ArmenTel Press Secretary Anush Begloyan told that the company
organized similar campaign before as well. `Very many trees were
planed, but they withered. This time, in cooperation with we
decided to plant fewer trees provided they are taken care of later,’
she said. She stressed the fact that staffers of different media
outlets combined their efforts in this noble action. `We worked with
joy as good friends,’ Begloyan said.

The Aravot newspaper reporter Naira Mamikonyan said she agreed to take
part in the `environmental action.’ Later, however, the tree planting
put her in an optimistic mood. `We, urban residents, have such a
serious lack of communing with nature that the tree planting filled me
with positive emotions for the whole day,’ Mamikonyan said. She
stressed that other organizations should follow’s example.
`This particularly concerns media outlets ‘’s initiative is
aimed at creating an Alley of Journalists. May this alley flourish due
to other media outlets’ contributions,’ Mamikonyan said.
