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Philip Crowley: US wants to see Armenia and Turkey ratify protocols

Philip J. Crowley: US wants to see Armenia and Turkey ratify the protocols

17.04.2010 13:13

`We’re supporting the Minsk process regarding Azerbaijan and
Nagorno-Karabakh,’ Philip J. Crowley, Assistant Secretary of State
said at the Daily Press Briefing.

As to the process of normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations,
Philip J. Crowley said `the process has stalled from last fall when
Armenia and Turkey signed protocols on normalization.’

`We want to see Turkey and Armenia ratify those protocols, normalize
relations, open borders. That has significant benefits for both
countries. And we continue to work with both to see if we can find the
right formula, the right timing to see ratification and the benefits
that come with ratification,’ Crowley said.

`We continue to work to see how we can – I mean, there are things that
both countries have committed to do. There are difficult processes
working with their respective parliaments. We have the same experience
in this country where the Executive Branch can make a commitment that
has to work with Congress in terms of implementing that or getting
ratification of that. We know this is a difficult process. We know it
involves emotion on both sides, risk on both sides, and we will
continue to work constructively with Armenia and Turkey to try to see
this process through,’ Assistant Secretary said.

Vasilian Manouk:
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