Azerbaijan expectations from Washington meetings vanished in the air

NA Deputy Speaker: Azerbaijan’s expectations from Washington meetings
vanished into the air

15:50 17/04/2010 » Politics

`When a country appears in trouble, its authorities may make
statements that even themselves will not be able to believe some time
later,’ Deputy Speaker of the Armenian Parliament, ARP member Samvel
Nikoyan told, referring to the recent statements made by

Note that Azerbaijani officials have been making threats and
condemnations during the recent days. Moreover, chief of the
Socio-Political Department of Azerbaijani President’s Office, Ali
Hasanov said Azerbaijan is looking for new ways to settle the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, slamming the US over not being objective in
the issue.

Deputy Speaker said the Armenian President’s Washington visit was so
actively discussed in Azerbaijan that all those discussions could in a
word be called hysteria.

`I think, the point is that Azerbaijan’s expectations it had from
Washington meetings vanished into the air,’ S. Nikoyan said.

`Through their propaganda machine, Azerbaijani authorities have built
a virtual world, thinking that if they sell oil and get arms, Armenia
will feel afraid and will make concessions, or, Turkey will make
pressure on Armenia over Armenia-Turkey reconciliation and Armenia
will make concessions,’ Deputy Speaker added.

According to S. Nikoyan, Azerbaijan will eventually understand that
these wishes will not come true. `This is why they have appeared in
hysteria and blame everyone: the US, Europe, Turkey, Russia, only
because the latter do not want to `do’ what they want,’ Deputy Speaker
