Bako Sahakyan: we will secure free, fair and transparent elections

Bako Sahakyan: we will secure organization and conduction of free,
fair and transparent elections

April 18, 2010 – 11:57 AMT 10:57 GMT

President of the Artsakh Republic (NKR) Bako Sahakyan held a number of
meetings with leaders of political parties, chairman of the Central
Election Commission and heads of local self-government from April 14
to 17 to discuss the parliamentary elections to be held on May23,

Describing the upcoming elections as a politically responsible event
for the republic, NKR President urged all those responsible to ensure
a proper course of the elections, creating equal and fair competition
conditions for every party and unaffiliated candidates.

Mr. Sahakyan called on all the parties and candidates to conduct their
campaigns in a civilized manner and constructive atmosphere within the
law and moral norms.

`The authorities of the Artsakh Republic would spare no effort to
secure organization and conduction of free, fair and transparent
elections,’ he said, reported the Central Information Department of
the Office of the Artsakh Republic President.