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Cengiz Aktar: diaspora is known as eternal enemy of Turkey

Cengiz Aktar: diaspora is the name of group which is known as eternal
enemy of Turkey

April 17, 2010 – 13:57 AMT 08:57 GMT

On the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, Prime
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan looked for a remedy on the fate of the
normalization protocols Turkey signed with Armenia last fall, Hurriyet
Daily News columnist Cengiz Aktar writes in his `The Anatolian
Disapora’ article.

`Since he is the main cause of the problem when it comes to the
current situation regarding the protocols, he is supposed to find the
solution. But this is not an easy task for him as first and foremost
he needs to change his references. The notions and concepts regarding
the Armenian question and those used by Turkish politicians should be
reassessed thoroughly. One of these notions is the `Armenian diaspora’
of which sizable numbers are settled in the United States,’ the
article says.

`The word `diaspora’ has a negative connotation in Turkish so much
that it cannot be used, for instance, for over a million
Turkish-descent Germans who have become a genuine diaspora in Germany
after being granted naturalization and citizenship rights. The
diaspora, in official language, is the name of a group which is known
as the eternal enemy of Turkey.’

Khoyetsian Rose:
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