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Holy Mass in the Mother See in memory of Polish plane crash victims

Holy Mass served in the Mother See of Holy Echmiatsin in memory of
Polish plane crash victims

13:21 17/04/2010 » Society

Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II is
serving a Holy Mass in the Mother See of Holy Echmiatsin today in
memory of the Polish President Lech Kaczynski, his wife and other
delegation members killed in an air crash on April 10 in Smolensk,

Workers of Poland’s Embassy in Armenia, representatives of diplomatic
missions accredited in Armenia, Armenian officials are attending the

Today Poland bids farewell to Polish presidential plane crash victims.
The mourning ceremony is due in Jozef Pilsudski Square, Warsaw.

Source: Panorama.am

Basmajian Ani:
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