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NKR: To Solve Inter Community Problems by own Means

To Solve Inter Community Problems by own Means

NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department

April 16, 2010

The regular out-going session of the NKR Government took place on
April 15, in Martouni. Head of Martouni regional administration
Lyudmila Azizyan delivered an accounting report on the works carried
out in 2009.
In 2009 as compared with 2008, region’s own profit increased by
AMD 8milion 702 thousand.
In the part of community budget implementation, lowest indices
were recorded in Varanda and in Vazgenashen.
In 2009, from the land under crop only 12.977 hectares were
reaped; average harvesting formed 15.1 centners per hectare.
The head of the region explained that low harvesting was caused by
low land cultivation. In some regions land fund is not used
efficiently, sometimes they become pastures and hayfields.
At the session the Prime Minister noted that state programs aimed
at agriculture development are carried out in villagers’ favour .Years
ago the idea of purchasing grain harvester combines seemed
unrealistic. Today 5 combines have been already imported; the number
will soon exceed 20. One part of the combines would be placed under
control of machine and tractor bases and 13 by leasing agreement would
be rendered to the community property or a private owner. Those who
wil,l may purchase engineering at the cost of $55.000 in 10-year
repayment term.
AMD 3 milliard capital investment was made in Martuni; it was
directed to construction, reconstruction, water supply, highway
engineering, gasification, etc. The sum allocated for the capital
construction increased by 436 millions. The same index will be
preserved in 2010 promised the Prime Minister.
It was also mentioned that in a number of communities had already
begun water supply works. The state is ready to provide pipes for
solving water problem temporarily. The Prime Minister appealed the
inhabitants of Martouni not to make demands out of budget means: try
to solve community problems with own efforts.

Nalchajian Markos:
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