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Recognition, Condemnation, Reimbursement

Lusine Vasilyan

19.04.2010 17:00

An international conference dedicated to the 95th anniversary of
the Armenian Genocide kicked off in Yerevan today. The "Recognition,
condemnation, reimbursement" conference has brought together local and
foreign experts and historians. The topics range from the peculiarities
of the new stage of international recognition to the opportunities
of elimination of genocide consequences.

"The events dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Genocide aim
to give assessments and outline concrete actions ahead of the 100th
anniversary of the Armenian Genocide," Hayk Demoyan, Director of the
Armenian Genocide Museum Institute, told Radiolur.

Hayk Demoyan said "the main purpose of the program of events dedicated
to the 95th anniversary is to proceed from the stage of recognition
to the stage of elimination of genocide consequences."

"If we take the recognition as a starting point, we’ll reach a
deadlock, because we understand that Turkey is not the country that
could recognize the Armenian Genocide today. As for the elimination
of consequences, we should start from working out and applying the
correct mechanism,"

German Ambassador to Armenia Hans Jochen Schmidt spoke about the
documentary recently screened in Germany. Written and directed by
Eric Friedler, the film "~SAghet-Ein Volkermord" depicts the great
calamity suffered by the Armenian people in 1915.

Chilingarian Babken:
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