April 24 Announcement


Apr 19th, 2010

GLENDALE-The Armenian Genocide 95th Anniversary United Commemoration
Committee issued the following announcement on Monday.

This year, just like previous years, the Southern California Armenian
community will converge at the Montebello Martyrs Monument on Saturday,
April 24, and together will honor the memory of the 1.5 million victims
of the Armenian Genocide. There, in unison, the community will raise
it voice of protest and demand to the entire world and proclaim that
Turkey must acknowledge the Genocide that it committed and as such
must make land and monetary reparations to the Armenian people.

Aside from this gathering, on the same day beginning at 10 a.m. a
protest march will take place in Little Armenia, organized by the
Unified Young Armenians. And, on the same afternoon, at 4 p.m.,
a protest demonstration will take place at the Turkish Consulate in
Los Angeles, organized by the Armenian Youth Federation.

The Armenian Genocide 95th Anniversary United Commemoration Committee
is formed by the three political parties, the AGBU, the three
denominations and compatriotic unions.

In this truly united spirit we call on our people to be present at
all the events, especially the gathering at the Montebello Martyrs
Monument, where Armenian and non-Armenian political and public
officials will be present and where a Memorial Mass will be said in
memory of the victims.

As a sign of respect to our martyrs, we call on our community to
place flowers at the Monument.

Transportation will be provided to the Montebello from the following
locations and at the following times:

Glendale’s St. Mary’s Armenian Church; buses depart at 12:30 p.m.

The intersection of Hobart Street and Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood;
buses depart at 1 p.m.

Hollywood’s St. Garabed Armenian Church; buses depart Alexandria
Avenue at 12:30.

St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Catholic Church in Glendale
(across from Glendale Community College; buses depart at 12:30 p.m.

We call on the community to encourage participation and be present,
in large numbers, at the Martyrs Monument and to renew our pledge of
staying to their memory.

The Monument is located at Bicknell Part, 900 Via San Clement,
Montebello, Calif.

Armenian Genocide 95th Anniversary United Commemoration Committee