April 24 commemoration events in Cyprus

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Monday 19 April at 8:00 pm – A 35-minute interview with Eva Rivas will
be broadcast on RTCY (on PrimeHome, CYTA and Cablenet platforms)
Wednesday 21 April from 3:30 – 6:30 pm – Blood Donation at Nareg
School in Nicosia in memory of the 1,500,000 innocent victims of The
1915 Armenian Genocide. Wednesday 21 April at 7:00 pm – Commemoration
of the 95th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide organised by the
Larnaca Nareg School. Keynote speaker Vartan Tashdjian – Chairman of
the Nareg School Hokapartsoutiun. Under the patronage of Archbishop
Varoujan Hergelian and the auspices of Armenian MP in the Cyprus House
of Representatives Vartkes Mahdessian. A cultural program and
reception will follow. We urge our readers from all towns to support
this event.

Thursday 22 April at 4:00pm – Armenian MP Vartkes Mahdessian will
address the Cyprus House of Representatives on the occasion of the
95th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The session is open to the
public and will be aired live on RIK Radio Channel 1 – (Proto
programma RIK)

Friday 23 April at 7:00 pm – Like last year, a Youth kaylarshav will
start at Eleftheria Square will join the rest of the marchers at the
beginning of Armenia Street at 7:30 pm and will end in front of the
Genocide Memorial, where a Vigil will take place organised by the
Commemorative Committee comprising of Armenian-Cypriot
organisations. Specially designed T-shirts will be given out to all
the participants to the Kaylarshav from Eleftheria Square.

Saturday 24 April at 6:00 pm – Commemoration of the 95th anniversary
of the Armenian Genocide at PASYDY Hall. Keynote speaker: Cyprus
Euro-Parliamentarian Ioannis Kasoulides. Hamazkayin Cultural and
Educational Association’s SIPAN Dance Ensemble will perform in the
cultural program. The event is organised by the Commemorative
Committee comprising of Armenian-Cypriot organisations. We urge our
readers from all towns to support this event.

Saturday 24 April at 2:15 pm – a TV program dedicated to the Armenian
community of Cyprus will be aired from RIK 2 TV channel in which our
representative in the Cyprus House of Representatives Vartkes
Mahdessian will deliver his message.

Saturday 24 April at 7:10 pm – The Armenian National Committee of
Cyprus (Gibrosi Hay Tadi Hantsnakhoump) announces that a documentary
about the Armenian Genocide entitled &quot;Housher&quot;, by Italian
Armenian film director Avedis Ohanian will be broadcast from CYBC 2 TV

Sunday 25 April at 4:00pm – &quot;Housher&quot; by Italian Armenian
film director Avedis Ohanian will be broadcast from CYBC SAT.

Monday 26 April – SIGMA TV – The &quot;Me tin Elita&quot; program
between 15:30 and 17:30 will be dedicated to the Armenians. Guests:
Dr. Antranik Ashdjian, Chairman of the Varchagan Joghov, Roupen
Kalaydjian, Co-Chairman of the Kalaydjian Foundation and
Alexander-Michael Hadjilyra, researcher-scholar and Foreign Press
spokesman of the Armenian MP in the Cyprus Parliament Vartkes

Saturday 1 May at 10:30 am – Melkoniantsis’ Picnic at Pyrga. The event
is open for all. The menu is simple (kebab, salad, potatoes) and
participation is 10 Euros per person (children are free). The money
will cover food cost, so no need to do anything and just come
along. If you want to contribute with food, dips, fruit, dessert,
drinks, supplies or just volunteer, contact Taline Babikian-Angelidou
on 96-577847 or Harout Der Bedrossian. Bring along your nargilehs,
your cards, backgammon, football and toys for your kids.

Weekend of Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd of May 2010 – in Sourp
Asdvadzadzin cathedral, Nicosia – Traditional Feast Day of Sourp
Magaravank, with Herisa Preparation and Blessing.

Sunday 2 May at 8:00pm -The &quot;Timag&quot; Theatre Company of
Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association Cyprus
&quot;Oshagan&quot; Chapter presents &quot;Baghdasar Aghpar&quot; at
PASYDY Hall in Nicosia. Director Janna Tahmizian.

Wednesday 5 May at 8:00pm – Gibrahayer Chief Editor Simon Aynedjian
talks about &quot;Hay Tad promotion on the Internet&quot;. Organised
by The Armenian Club of Larnaca. Followed by dinner in Larnaca. More
details to follow. Sign up with Kevork Hovsepian on 99652690.

Sunday 9 May – Pilgrimage to St. Magar Monastery organised by the
Office of the Armenian Representative Vartkes Mahdessian. Details to

Friday 14 May at 8:00 pm – Interactive Lecture/Discussion/ Power Point
Presentation, on Sex Education, organised by the Office of the
Armenian MP Vartkes Mahdessian by Despo Hadjiloizou – Former Executive
Director of Family Planning, at The Utudjian Hall of the Armenian
Prelature. All youth over the age of 16 as well as parents are
strongly recommended to attend.

Friday 28 May at 8:30 pm – Celebrations of the 92nd anniversary of the
Independence of Armenia, organised by the ARF Dashnaktsoutiun Cyprus
Gomideh, AYMA/HMEM, ARS (HOM) Cyprus &quot;Sosse&quot; Chapter and
Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association Cyprus
&quot;Oshagan&quot; Chapter at PASYDY Hall, followed by Independence
feast at AYMA.

Friday 4 June 2010 – The Armenian Relief Society of Cyprus (HOM) is
organising a Gala Dinner on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of
the Armenian Relief Society at the STOA Restaurant. Welcome drinks at
8:30 pm. Dinner at 9:00pm.

September 16, or 17 or 18 Kravadz Or – by The Armenian Relief Society
of Cyprus (HOM) who are organising a Concert on the occasion of the
100th Anniversary of the Armenian Relief Society at the Presidential
Palace. Details to follow.

Saturday 20 November 2010 – Kravadz Or by the Office of the Armenian
MP Vartkes Mahdessian – Details to be announced later.

Sunday 21 November 2010 – Kravadz Or by the Office of the Armenian MP
Vartkes Mahdessian – Details to be announced later.