Armenian Genocide Denied By Azebaijan


The Orient Daily
April 20 2010

This week Azerbaijan has decided to pay attention to the Armenian
Genocide by attempting to re-write history in order to deny the events
of 1915. The leading government media, controlled by the Ilham Aliyev
administration prepared a series of films and programs which shows
the denial of the genocide. With film titles such as : "Armenians:
anatomy of hate.

Operation ‘Outpost’", "Armenians: anatomy of hate. Political adventure
of the century", "1915: Start to falsifications by Armenians".

The policy of denying the Armenian Genocide made by the Aliyev clan is
done as an act of self affirmation. However, the leading Turkish mass
media have often used the phrase "tragic events in 1915". It is only
a small part of the population who doesn´t acknowledge the Armenian
Genocide, which happened in 1915 during the first world war. It is
estimated that the genocide killed between 100,000 and one million
Armenian people. Many countries acknowledged the massacres during world
war one. However, still not all countries acknowledge the existence
of the Armenian Genocide, including the U.S. government. In March
2010, the U.S. Senate proposed the recognition of the genocide for
the second time. The Turkish government reacted disbelieved: "this
is a resolution which accuses the Turkish nation of a crime it has
not committed." A Turkish ambassador left its position to state it
clear that Turkey did not massacre one million Armenian people in 1915.

For Turkey, Azerbijan, and the Armenian’s the massacre of 1915 will
remain painful and contentious.

Gabrielle Davelaar

Picture credit: Armenian students cramped into crowded classrooms in
Aleppo after they flooded Syrian cities upon the Armenian Massacre
of 1915, from Wikipedia.