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Do Not Disturb Rp And Bhk



On April 17, the criminal fight prevented in front of the Military
College of Armenia in Nor Nork Community which could result in a
real battle judging by the number of participants and the amount of
their weapons, the police officially qualified as a mass disorder and
announced that the participants are not members of any party or NGO.

The last circumstance is interesting from the point that rumors
spread that the fight occurred between Bargavach Hayastan and
Republican parties. The reason for such rumors was party signs that
the participants of the fight wore. The police factually refused
such rumors. Before the police, these rumors had been refused by
the spokesmen of both parties. Factually, the Bargavach Hayastan and
Republican parties have nothing in common with this fight. Perhaps,
it was not a domestic one, which is the reason why these parties are
not concerned.

But as the "all-Armenian poet" used to say "there is one certain thing
in the world that nothing is certain". So, the parties and the police
had better not to refuse the connection of BHK and RP to the fight.

The point is not about the fact that these refutations do not
correspond to the reality and the majority of the participants of the
fight were really party members or representatives of the surrounding
of party leaders. The point is that these parties are the majority in
the parliament. In other words, they are responsible for the situation
in the country. And the situation in the country, apparently, is that
criminals can afford to deal directly through fights at the military
academy, at the sight of all honest people. Where this rage comes
from? Naturally, from the conviction of impunity.

Who else is to be blamed for this situation if not the forces composing
the majority of the government – BHK and RP? Moreover, these criminal
elements feel so good in this country that they have no problem of
choosing the place for their fights and more, they come to fight in
their super expensive cars not being even afraid of harming them. The
country, where the criminal elements feel so at ease is governed by the
BHK and RP. And the interesting thing is that by announcing they are
not connected with the incident, they think their work is done. They
do not think there is the question of political responsibility for
the current situation in the country.

"We have nothing in common with it. On Saturday evening, we were
calmly watching TV in our homes or saunas, for example, we were
admiring the foreign political achievements of Armenia".

Approximately, this is the reaction of the ruling BHK and RP parties.

It is good that the police managed to make a preventive visit and not
a post factum one. This will create grounds to add police’s success to
the foreign success of Armenia and the governmental alibi will become
excellent. Under calm conditions, the alibi of the participants will
be looked for and in the end each of them will be found out to appear
in freedom sooner than the political prisoners arrested on the bases
of police officers’ testimonies.

Tamamian Anna:
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