DurDe.Org: This is Our pain. This is a mourning for All Of Us

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This is OUR pain. This is a mourning for ALL OF US.

In 1915, when we had a population of only 13 million people, there
were 1,5 to 2 million Armenians living on this land. In Thrace, in the
Aegean, in Adana, in Malatya, in Van, in Kars… In Samatya, in Þiþli,
in the Islands, in Galata…

They were the grocer in our neighbourhood, our tailor, our goldsmith,
our carpenter, our shoemaker, our farmhand, our millwright, our
classmate, our teacher, our officer, our private, our deputy, our
historian, our composer… Our friend. Our next-door neighbours and
our companion in bad times. In Thrace, in the Aegean, in Adana, in
Malatya, in Van, in Kars… In Samatya, in Þiþli, Ýn the Islands, in

On April 24th, 1915 they were `rounded up’. We lost them. They are not
here anymore. A great majority of them do not exist anymore. Nor do
their graveyards. There EXISTS the overwhelming `Great Pain’ that was
laid upon the qualms of our conscience by the `Great
Catastrophe’. It’s getting deeper and deeper for the last 95 years.

We call upon all peoples of Turkey who share this heartfelt pain to
commemorate and pay tribute to the victims of 1915. In black, in
silence. With candles and flowers…

For this is OUR pain. This is a mourning for ALL OF US

April 24th, 2010
Taksim Square, Tram Stop

Ahmet Insel, Ali Bayramoglu, Asli Erdogan, Avi Haligua, Ayhan Bilgen, Ayla
Yildirim, Aysin Yesilay Inan, Ayse Batumlu, Aysegul Devecioglu, Baskin Oran,
Cafer Solgun, Cengiz Aktar, Cengiz Algan, Deniz Zarakolu, Dilek Gokcin, Dogan
Tarkan, Eren Keskin, Erol Koroglu, Ferhat Kentel, Fethi Inan, Fethiye Cetin,
Garo Paylan, Gulten Kaya, Hakan Tahmaz, Halil Berktay, Hayko Bagdat, Hilal
Kaplan, Hurriyet Sener, Ipek Calislar, Ismail Erdogan, Jale Mildanoglu, Kadir
Cangizbay, Kerem Oktem, Kutlug Ataman, Lale Mansur, Leman Yurtsever, Levent
Sensever, Mahir Gunsiray, Mehmet Demir, Mithat Sancar, Nese Duzel, Nil
Mutluer, Orhan Miroglu, Osman Koker, Ozturk Turkdogan, Perihan Magden, Roni
Margulies, Semra Somersan, Sezgin Tanrikulu, Sirri Sureyya Onder, Sanar
Yurdatapan, Senol Karakas, Tamar Nalci, Tanil Bora, Turgay Ogur, Ufuk Uras,
Umit Kardas, Umit Kivanc, Vivet Kanetti, Yalcin Ergundogan, Yaman Yildiz,
Yasemin Congar, Yildiz Onen, Zeynep Gambetti, Zeynep Tanbay.

Initiativ e for Say Stop to Racism and Nationalism – DurDe of Turkey


Cette peine est la NOTRE. Ce deuil est à nous TOUS.

En 1915, quand notre population était encore 13 millions, 1,5 – 2
millions d’Arméniens habitaient ces terres. À Thrace, à Egée, à Adana,
à Malatya, à Van, à Kars… à Samatya, à Þiþli, aux Iles de Prince, à

Notre épicier du quartier, notre couturier, notre orfèvre, notre
menuisier, notre cordonnier, le cultivateur du champ voisin, notre
meunier, notre camarade de classe, notre enseignant, notre officier,
notre ordonnance, notre député, notre historien, notre compositeur…
Ils étaient tous nos amis. Nos voisins, nos compagnons d’infortune. À
Thrace, à Egée, à Adana, à Malatya, à Van, à Kars… à Samatya, à
Þiþli, aux Iles de Prince, à Galata…

Le 24 Avril 1915, ils ont commencé à `être renvoyés’. On les a
perdus. Ils n’y sont plus. La plupart d’entre eux ne sont plus parmi
nous. Ils n’ont même pas de tombes. Quant à `La Grande Peine’ que la
`Grande Catastrophe’ / Médz Yeghern nous impose sur la conscience,
elle EXISTE avec toute sa lourdeur. Elle ne cesse de grandir depuis 95

Nous invitons tous les gens de la Turquie qui ressentent cette `Grande
Peine’ dans leurs c=9Curs à rendre hommage à la mémoire des victimes
de 1915. Silencieusement et vêtus de noir. Accompagnés de fleurs et de
chandelles qu’on allumera pour leurs âmes.

Car, cette peine est la NOTRE. Ce deuil est à nous TOUS.

Avril 24 , 2010
Place Taksim

Ahmet Insel, Ali Bayramoglu, Asli Erdogan, Avi Haligua, Ayhan Bilgen, Ayla
Yildirim, Aysin Yesilay Inan, Ayse Batumlu, Aysegul Devecioglu, Baskin Oran,
Cafer Solgun, Cengiz Aktar, Cengiz Algan, Deniz Zarakolu, Dilek Gokcin, Dogan
Tarkan, Eren Keskin, Erol Koroglu, Ferhat Kentel, Fethi Inan, Fethiye Cetin,
Garo Paylan, Gulten Kaya, Hakan Tahmaz, Halil Berktay, Hayko Bagdat, Hilal
Kaplan, Hurriyet Sener, Ipek Calislar, Ismail Erdogan, Jale Mildanoglu, Kadir
Cangizbay, Kerem Oktem, Kutlug Ataman, Lale Mansur, Leman Yurtsever, Levent
Sensever, Mahir Gunsiray, Mehmet Demir, Mithat Sancar, Nese Duzel, Nil
Mutluer, Orhan Miroglu, Osman Koker, Ozturk Turkdogan, Perihan Magden, Roni
Margulies, Semra Somersan, Sezgin Tanrikulu, Sirri Sureyya Onder, Sanar
Yurdatapan, Senol Karakas, Tamar Nalci, Tanil Bora, Turgay Ogur, Ufuk Uras,
Umit Kardas, Umit Kivanc, Vivet Kanetti, Yalcin Ergundogan, Yaman Yildiz,
Yasemin Congar, Yildiz Onen, Zeynep Gambetti, Zeynep Tanbay.

Initiativ e for Say Stop to Racism and Nationalism – DurDe of Turkey

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress


Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS