TBILISI: Will Georgia Recognise The Armenian Genocide?


The Messenger
April 20 2010

The Armenian Diaspora in Georgia is asking the Georgian authorities
to consider recognising the humanitarian catastrophe affecting the
Armenian population which took place around 100 years ago as genocide.

Letters containing such a request were addressed to the President,
Parliament, Parliamentary factions and individual MPs. such
organisations as Georgia’s Armenian Cooperation Centre and Association
of Armenian Students have asked Georgia to discuss the issue at a
Parliamentary session prior to April 24, commemorated as the day of
the Armenian Genocide, and thus pay tribute to those killed.

Some Georgian commentators think that as this request has been made
Georgia should also send an official request to the Armenian Parliament
and President to recognise the genocide and ethnic cleansing conducted
by the Russians and their puppet regimes in the separatist regions of
Georgia Abkhazia and South Ossetia in the nineties of the last century
and during the recent Russian invasion and demand an assessment of
the conduct of the ethnic Armenian so-called Bagramian Battalion,
which fought on the side of the Abkhaz separatists and participated
in the ethnic cleansing of the Georgian population.