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Ankara Sends Special Instructions To Turkish Diplomats Abroad



Turkey has designed an Action Plan which in fact includes 10
instructions that Turkish officials should follow while in service
abroad. Local Turkish daily Hurriyet has published the list which is
presented below.

1. Establish contacts with the representatives of the Armenian Diaspora
of the country you are in. Open the doors of Turkish diplomatic mission
in front of the Armenians and include them in you activities too.

2. Participate in the reunions organized by influential Armenian
organizations and explain to them Turkey’ approach.

3. There are three main groups in the Armenian Diaspora: the ones that
pursue benefits in the Armenian Genocide; the ones that immigrated from
Turkey but still have contacts; and the ones who have more moderate
approach over the Genocide. Contact especially the last group though
do not ignore those who are against Turkey. They too should be invited
to the events organized in general consulates and embassies.

4. Do not ignore the Armenian diplomats in the countries you are in.

Accept their invitations and partake in the events they organize by
all means.

5. Establish contacts with the representatives of universities,
non-governmental organizations in the countries you are in. Deliver
speeches in the events they organize. Use any chance to introduce
and explain Turkey’s approach over the Genocide.

6. Establish contacts with intellectuals of the country you are in
and introduce Turkey’s approach to them.

7. Develop your contacts with the diplomats of the neighboring
countries that have close relations with Turkey such as the Balkan,
Middle East countries. Bring the Genocide issue on the agenda of the
conferences organized by the diplomats of those countries. Create
such conditions that the diplomats of those countries, especially
the ones that treating Turkey warmly, will be able to get familiar
with Turkey’s approach.

8. While presenting Turkey’s approach put the accent especially on
the provision of "creating a historians’ commission" stipulated in
the Protocols proposed by Ankara and signed by Armenia. Your main
message shall be "leaving the history to historians."

9. Draw attention to the Armenian-Turkish normalization process.

Clearly mention that the Armenia-Turkey normalization will contribute
to the welfare of the two people.

10. Clearly underline that the development of relations between
Armenia and Turkey will contribute to the establishment of peace in
the region. In this context clearly explain that in order to secure
regional stability besides the Yerevan-Ankara rapprochement it is
necessary that the Karabakh conflict also be resolved.

Kafian Jirair:
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