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When Will The Farce End ?

Jean Ipdjian

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Every time that a country discusses the recognition of the Armenian
Genocide or worse still it votes to recognise the Armenian Genocide,
Turkey and the Turkish government go into a frenzied and hysterical
theatrics which starts with threats about cutting trade agreements and
ends up with recalling their ambassador to that country ‘indefinitely’,
which usually means for a couple of weeks until the furore passes
away. Then the ambassador sneaks back into the country and its business
as usual.

The same scenario has happened on and on again, as it happened lately
after the successful adoption of a resolution regarding the recognition
of the Armenian Genocide in the US House of Representatives’ foreign
relations committee and by the adoption of a resolution recognizing
the Armenian Genocide by the Swedish Parliament, which was backed
ironically by the minority opposition parties there.

The Turkish reaction is understandable. She has to keep appearances
and entertain to the internal audience of semi-literate peasants in
the ‘Anadolou’ regions and to the whims and appetites of extremist
groups such as the ‘Grey Wolves’, who are overtly frowned upon by
the State and covertly backed, encouraged and managed by the state
and the almighty military hierarchy.

As for the reaction of Western governments and notably of the United
States, who seem to bend backwards to accommodate Turkish wishes, it
can only be said that it is beyond hypocritical, and that it gives
the word a new twisted meaning. It is so hypocritical and tragic,
because these governments know very well the extent of Turkey’s
reliance on their trade, the extent of Turkey’s reliance on the
near blanket diplomatic cover they extend to her actions against
neighbouring countries such as Greece, Cyprus, Syria and of course,
Armenia. The only logical explanation to their actions and behaviour
seems to be a carrot and stick game being played to keep Turkish
appetites at bay while at the same time not antagonising her too much.

However despite all these machinations, sooner rather than later
more and more countries will follow suite and will put aside their
cautious policies towards Turkey and will recognise the Armenian
Genocide building up the pressure not only on Turkey, but on the
rest of the few countries, who I suspect will steadfastly continue
to back her in her denial of the undeniable fact of genocide planned,
organised and executed by the forefathers of present day ‘civilised’
and ‘Europeanised’ Turkey against the Armenian people living in
their homeland from times immortal. And each time one more country
recognises the Armenian genocide, Turkey will act out her already
ineffectual and hollow series of threats and actions.

One of the most potent tools of strengthening an idea or a movement,
experience and history have shown, is confrontation, forceful
suppression and in the case of historic happenings and events, their
distortion and denial. Ideas and movements, causes and aspirations
thrive in hostile circumstances. Every time Turkish politicians,
historians in their employment or personalities in other countries
repeat their denial and contortions of the undeniable fact of the
Armenian Genocide they not only strengthen our resolve to succeed, they
also concentrate the attention of the international media and public
opinion on the matter and thus inevitably increase the awareness of
the world regarding the Genocide and the futility and absurdity of
their denial of it.

Therefore, one comes and wonders when will this farce end and when will
Turkey realise that just like in the case of drug addicts, alcoholics,
rapists, usurpers of other people’s properties and thieves, the process
of healing and acceptance into society and in this case in the society
of nations, starts from the time they genuinely admit to themselves
and others that they are any one of the above mentioned. Only then
they can hope to heal themselves and hope to be accepted as equals.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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