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Federal Antimonopoly Service Visits Armenia


April 20 2010

Yerevan. OREANDA-NEWS . April 20, 2010. Alexey Sushkevich, the Head
of the Analytical Department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service
(FAS Russia), had several working meetings with the top executives
and officers of the Commission for Protection of Economic Competition
of the Republic of Armenia. The focus of the meetings that took place
in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, was on preparation of the report
"On the state and trends of developing competition policy in the
Republic of Armenia", which is scheduled to be considered at the next
session of the Interstate Council on Antimonopoly Policy in June 2010,
reported the press-centre of FAS Russia.

At the meeting the parties discussed a wide spectrum of issues:
specific features of competition protection policy in Armenia in view
of its membership in WTO, completeness and coherence of competition
protection established as a priority in the Constitution and policy
documents of the Government and the President of the Republic
of Armenia, organizational principles of the work of the Armenian
antimonopoly authority, original methods for exposing shadow sectors
of the markets developed and applied by Armenian experts, and some
other issues.

Following the meetings with the Commission Chairman Artak Shaboyan,
Commissioner Grair Aramyan, the Commission’s Chief of Staff Vagan
Yegiazaryan, officers of specialized Departments a detailed system
of report headings was drawn out and the requirements to the content
of each section were set. The parties agreed to continue exchanging
information to ensure timely preparation of the report, which should
reflect all aspects of the work of the Commission, the state of
competition on the markets in Armenia, as well as impact of global
markets upon Armenian economy.

Reference: In 2010 Mr. Artak G. Shaboyan was appointed the Chairman of
the Commission for Protection of Economic Competition of the Republic
of Armenia.

In Armenia members of the Commission are appointed by Order of the
President of the Republic of Armenia. Formally the Commission’s status
is independent from the Government, the Parliament and the President.

Nahapetian Boris:
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