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ANCA: Pres Obama Fails to Honor Armenian Genocide Pledge Once Again

Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel. (202) 775-1918
Fax. (202) 775-5648

April 24, 2010
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


— April 24th statement avoids "genocide" characterization

WASHINGTON, DC – In yet another disgraceful capitulation to
Turkey’s threats, President Obama today once again failed to
properly recognize the Armenian Genocide, offering euphemisms and
evasive terminology to characterize this crime against humanity,
reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

"Today we join with Armenians in the United States and around the
world in voicing our sharp disappointment with the President’s
failure to properly condemn and commemorate the Armenian Genocide,"
stated ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian. "After more than a year of
Turkey’s manipulation of the Obama Administration’s policy on this
core human rights issue, and the collapse of even the pretense of
progress of any sort coming from Ankara, President Obama faced a
stark choice: to honor his conscience and commitment to recognize
the Armenian Genocide or to remain an accomplice to Turkey’s denial
of truth and justice for this crime. Sadly, for the U.S. and
worldwide efforts to end the cycle of genocide, he made the wrong
choice, allowing Turkey to tighten its gag-rule on American
genocide policy."

As a Senator and presidential candidate, President Obama pledged
repeatedly to recognize the Armenian Genocide and promised
"unstinting resolve" to end the Darfur Genocide, stating, "America
deserves a leader who speaks truthfully about the Armenian Genocide
and responds forcefully to all genocides. I intend to be that
President." View his record on the issue at:

Since then, while stating that his personal views of the events of
1915 have not changed, President Obama has refrained from properly
characterizing this crime against humanity and going so far as to
oppose Congressional Armenian Genocide legislation (H.Res.252) –
which he had pledged to support during the 2008 Presidential

In contrast to his remarks in 2009, the President chose not to use
the April 24th statement as a platform to push the flawed Turkey-
Armenia Protocols process – stalled by Turkey’s preconditions
related to the Nagorno Karabagh negotiations and shameful efforts
to use the Protocols to block international affirmation of the
Armenian Genocide. The ANCA, in an April 7 letter urging the
President to honor his genocide pledge, asked the White House to
"mark this day sincerely and not, as has too often been the case,
to view it as an opportunity to present a policy statement on the
region." The letter continued to note that an "explanation of U.S.
priorities regarding Armenia-Turkey relations or other current
foreign policy issues, while certainly entirely appropriate in
other settings, clearly does not belong in a Presidential April
24th statement, just as a statement of U.S. policy on the Israel-
Arab peace process would not be appropriate in Presidential remarks
devoted to remembering the Holocaust."

President Obama’s complete statement is provided below.


Office of the Press Secretary
________________________________________ ___________________________

For Immediate Release
April 24, 2010

Statement of President Barack Obama on Armenian Remembrance Day
On this solemn day of remembrance, we pause to recall that ninety-
five years ago one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century
began. In that dark moment of history, 1.5 million Armenians were
massacred or marched to their death in the final days of the
Ottoman Empire.

Today is a day to reflect upon and draw lessons from these terrible
events. I have consistently stated my own view of what occurred in
1915, and my view of that history has not changed. It is in all
of our interest to see the achievement a full, frank and just
acknowledgment of the facts. The Meds Yeghern is a devastating
chapter in the history of the Armenian people, and we must keep its
memory alive in honor of those who were murdered and so that we do
not repeat the grave mistakes of the past. I salute the Turks who
saved Armenians in 1915 and am encouraged by the dialogue among
Turks and Armenians, and within Turkey itself, regarding this
painful history. Together, the Turkish and Armenian people will be
stronger as they acknowledge their common history and recognize
their common humanity.

Even as we confront the inhumanity of 1915, we also are inspired by
the remarkable spirit of the Armenian people. While nothing can
bring back those who were killed in the Meds Yeghern, the
contributions that Armenians have made around the world over the
last ninety-five years stand as a testament to the strength,
tenacity and courage of the Armenian people. The indomitable
spirit of the Armenian people is a lasting triumph over those who
set out to destroy them. Many Armenians came to the United States
as survivors of the horrors of 1915. Over the generations Americans
of Armenian descent have richened our communities, spurred our
economy, and strengthened our democracy. The strong traditions and
culture of Armenians also became the foundation of a new republic
which has become a part of the community of nations, partnering
with the world community to build a better future.

Today, we pause with them and with Armenians everywhere to remember
the awful events of 1915 with deep admiration for their
contributions which transcend this dark past and give us hope for
the future.


Hambardsumian Paul:
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