Ankara Alarmed As Davutoglu Plans Meeting Clinton


Turkey seems alarmed after Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan signed
a decree suspending the ratification of the Armenia-Turkey Protocols
in the parliament. By the same token, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet
Davutoglu is planning to hold a meeting with the US Secretary of
State Hilary Clinton.

According to local Turkish daily Sabah Davutoglu is set to meet
Clinton in the framework of a NATO informal summit in Tallinn, Estonia.

A Turkish high-ranking official, whose name is not mentioned, told
Sabah that Yerevan’s decision to suspend the ratification of the
Protocols was a tactical step ahead of April 24 – the commemoration
day of the victims of Armenian Genocide in the waning days of the
Ottoman Empire in 1915.

"It was a tactical step, a maneuver taken ahead of April 24. [US
President Barak] Obama is subjected to pressure so that to utter that
word [genocide]. But that [Armenia’s] decision will not affect Turkey’s
stance. Ankara has at the highest level said that it remains committed
to the process and wants to continue efforts towards the ratification
of those agreements," the diplomat was quoted by Sabah as saying.