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Armenian Oversight Chamber To Get 700 000 Euros’ Assistance


APRIL 23, 2010

YEREVAN, APRIL 23, ARMENPRESS: Chairman of the Armenian Oversight
Chamber Ishkhan Zakaryan and co-chairman of the Dutch Calculation Court
Heis de Vries announced today officially in Tsakhkadzor the launch of
the technical assistance program within the framework of the 700 000
euros which will be provided to the Armenian Oversight Chamber. The
program will last until 2013. As part of the program joint oversight,
study tours of the Armenian specialists to Netherlands, visits of
experts will take place. The agreement has been reached last year
in summer when the chairman of the Armenian Oversight Chamber was in
Netherlands on a working visit.

Ishkhan Zakaryan highlighted the implementation of the program, noting
that the institution has new thing to say today and three years after
when the results of the program will be summed up, a brilliant end
will be registered which will be of great benefit for the Oversight
Chamber. Among the priorities of the program he mentioned the tax
and customs, environment, science and educational systems. Ishkhan
Zakaryan expressed hope that though the cooperation is intended for
three years it will not be limited to it and the bilateral cooperation
and experience exchange will be of continuative nature.

Heis de Vries said that the Dutch Calculation Court not always
agrees to participate in such programs as it is not a consulting
organization. But it agreed to participate in this program which is
being assisted by the World Bank and Asian Development Bank as they
were convinced that the Oversight Chamber wishes to apply the best
international practice of audit to increase the level of financial
management of the Armenia’s state sector.

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