Categories: News

Forgiveness Without Repentance Is Impossible


12:25:29 – 24/04/2010

Today the world mourns with the Armenians of the people who are
victims of the Armenian Genocide of 1915. In the evening of 23 April,
despite the rain, a torchlight procession from the Matenadaran
to Tsitsernakaberd took place. Events in memory of the Armenian
genocide took place in many cities around the world – together with
the Armenians participated in them representatives of other nations.

The theme of the Armenian genocide today is touched upon by the
world media. In social networks Armenians from around the world post
pictures and information about their relatives who have been victims
of Turkish politics, and it becomes a living proof of guilt.

Today, silent stream of walking people moves to Tsitsernakaberd. This
year’s event is taking place in special circumstances – through
95 years after the genocide and forced deportation of the Armenian
population of Ottoman Turkey reconciliation is being negotiated between
Armenia and Turkey. Armenians cannot forgive the crimes committed
because the offender has not admitted its guilt and repented. And
forgiveness without repentance is impossible.

The topic of the recognition of genocide over the last year has
been one of the key ones at the highest geopolitical level. From a
purely moral and legal issue, it turned into a political instrument
of pressure. It is actual in the Armenian domestic political field –
the opposition in the face of the HAK accuses the current government
in signing of the Armenian-Turkish protocols which dispute the fact
of the Armenian genocide. On this basis, a year ago, relations between
Armenia and the Diaspora strained.

But people, who today, despite the rain, come to Tsitsernakaberd,
do not keep in mind political calculations.

Nadirian Emma:
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