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Armenian Genocide commemorated with art

Art Threat Magazine
April 25 2010

Armenian Genocide commemorated with art

by Rob Maguire on April 24, 2010 · 41400

The horrors of the Armenian Genocide are commemorated each year on
April 24, the date in 1915 that marked the first of countless
massacres perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire that killed an estimated
1.5 million Armenians.

This year, the University of Rhode Island is observing the anniversary
of the tragedy with an art show entitled The Armenian Genocide ‘ 95
Years Later, In Remembrance.

Curated by Gallery Z founder and curator Bérge Ara Zobian, the exhibit
features work by over 40 artists, including artwork in a variety of
mediums, as well as film, museum artifacts, and an educational display
on the genocide.

In her curatorial statement, Zobian explains the importance of such an
exhibit. `Following the numerous other genocides of the 20th century,
acknowledging and examining past episodes of violence becomes all the
more crucial. As the first genocide of the 20th century, the Armenian
Genocide is a critical event to affirm, and the surviving culture is
essential to celebrate and spread with as large an audience as
possible. This show promises to accomplish both of these tasks with
your submissions and support.’

The collection will be displayed at the University of Rhode Island
Feinstein Providence Campus gallery from April 1`30, 2010. For more
information, visit armeniangenocide95years.com.


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