Armenian Genocide Issue Stalls Peace

Gaea Times
April 24 2010

Armenian Genocide Issue Stalls Peace

By Arnab Ghosh, Gaea News NetworkApril 24th, 2010

ARMENIA ( The reluctance to use the word genocide by
the USA has made Armenia put a temporary stop to the peace proceeding
with neighboring Turkey. The country announced on Thursday that owing
to certain developments it is stalling the peace accords for some time
though it does not want to abort the proceedings permanently. Muslim
dominated Turkey and predominantly Christian Armenia share a hostility
that dates back to the World War One. Last year both the nations
agreed to open the borders and start peace proceedings to put an end
to the hostility that have spanned over the decades. The historical
event of a huge number of Armenians getting killed by Turks in the
1915 gave birth to the simmering anger the country still bears. The
USA is trying to bring both the nations striking peace for quite some

Armenians are trying to create pressure on the US government to use
the word genocide to commemorate the anniversary of the massacres.
However, it seems unlikely given the fact that The USA is not likely
to alienate Turkey which is a member of NATO. When the Turkish Prime
Minister said that if Armenia does not strike an acceptable deal with
Azerbaijan, which is incidentally Turkey’s close ally, the proceedings
would not happen, the Armenians got furious.

The word genocide assumes maximum importance for the Armenian
residents who want Turkey to acknowledge that the massive killing that
took place several decades back was a massacre. The president of
Armenia, Serzh Sarksyan said that the country is still willing to
resume peace process.
