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Armenian Mourns Over The Victims of Armenian Genocide

Seven Sided Cube
April 25 2010

Armenian Mourns Over The Victims of Armenian Genocide

On April 24, 2010, the Armenians commemorate the victims of the
Armenian Genocide. Armenians honored the victims who died in their own
country. This was the result of the genocidal policy of the Turkish
authorities. During the time of the Ottoman Empire there were two
million Armenians living on the evening of World War I.

Armenians consider the Armenian Genocide, as a great crime. It is also
known for Armenians as the Armenian Holocaust. During the Ottoman
Empire, the killings of the Armenian people happened. Genocide is the
deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an
ethnic, racial, religious or national group. Serzh Sarksyan, the
President of Armenia, wants to resume peace process in their country.

There were a total of 1.5 million Armenians that were killed from 1915
up to 1923. This was due to the starvation and the epidemics that
rose during that time, according to the Armenian National Institute.

The US government is being pressured by the Armenians. The Armenians
wants to use the word genocide in order for them to commemorate the
anniversary of the tragedy that happened to their country. But the US
government is not likely to antagonize with Turkey, since Turkey is a
member of NATO.

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Kafian Jirair:
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