Armenians mark 95th anniversary of mass killings (NBC)
April 25 2010

Armenians mark 95th anniversary of mass killings
Updated: Apr 25, 2010 9:35 AM

Posted by Sarah Harlan

ARMENIA (NBC) – Saturday, Armenians marked the 95th anniversary of the
mass killing of their fellow countrymen by Ottoman Turks around the
time of WWI.

Hundreds of thousands of Armenians laid flowers at a monument to the victims.

Ethnic Armenians gathered in Moscow, Jerusalem and other parts of the
world in remembrance.

Some Armenians protested outside the Turkish consulate in east Jerusalem.

Historians estimate up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed.

Ottoman authorities evicted Armenians from their homes in actions that
led to the mass slaughter of the Armenian population.

Turkey said the death toll has been inflated and said those killed
were victims of civil war as the Ottoman empire collapsed.

Turkey said the deaths do not constitute genocide.

Turkey and Armenia have no current diplomatic ties.

A deal to re-establish diplomatic ties between Turkey and Armenia
recently failed.