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BAKU: Azerbaijani MP: Armenia not to achieve any result with pressur

Trend, Azerbaijan
April 24 2010

Azerbaijani MP: Armenia not to achieve any result with pressure on Turkey
24.04.2010 15:22
Azerbaijan, Baku, April 23 /Trend, M.Aliyev/

Freezing the Zurich protocols once again demonstrated the real essence
of both Serzh Sargisyan and Armenia as a state, said Ganira Pashayeva,
a member of the Azerbaijani delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly
of the Council of Europe (PACE). Armenia itself knows that the
establishment of peace and stability in this region passes through the
liberation of Armenian-occupied territories. The main desire of
Armenia is that the United States and the EU countries strengthen
pressure on Turkey. I think that the Armenians will not achieve their
goals, and without solving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Turkey will
never start discussing the protocols signed with Armenia and will
continue keeping the borders closed," the member of Azerbaijani
delegation to PACE, MP Ganira Pashayeva told Trend on April 23.

According to Pashayeva, Armenia and its patrons will not be able get
results with any pressure on Turkey. "Armenia has demonstrated its
essence, which shows how it is sincere in restoring peace and
stability, partnership in the region. I expect that Turkey will
accelerate its efforts to bring to the world the true face of
Armenia," the MP said.

According to Pashayeva, the guilty for the tense situation in the
region is Armenia.

"Azerbaijan will continue its fair position as before. Unless Armenia
withdraws from the occupied territories, there will be no partnership
with it in the region. Armenia will not participate in any project
where Azerbaijan plays a major role. Turkey has also demonstrated its
position that the borders closed because of the occupation of
Azerbaijani lands will not be opened until the Azerbaijani lands are
liberated from occupation. Azerbaijan and Turkey will continue their
fair position in the future as well," she said.

According to Pashayeva, the international organizations, OSCE and
large forces must demonstrate their attitude towards this step of

"Because with this step, Armenia demonstrated how it is interested in
establishing peace and stability in the region. Now the main issue
facing international organizations is to exert pressure on Armenia to
withdraw from the Azerbaijani lands," said Pashayeva.

Karapetian Hovik:
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