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Conference on Karabakh conflict issue taken place in France

Conference on Karabakh conflict issue taken place in France

SEN-SHAMON, APRIL 24, NOYAN TAPAN. A conference "The Karabakh Conflict
and Programs on Karabakh Restoration" took place on April 22 in the
French city of Sen-Shamon.

According to the information of the NKR Permanent Mission to France,
the city’s Mayor Philip Kiziryan, Chairman of the French-Armenian
Friendship Group, Deputy Francis Roshbluan, representatives of the
local self-government bodies and local Armenian community attended the

In his speech, NKR Permanent Representative to France Hovhannes
Gevorgian introduced the pre-history of the Azerbaijani-Karabakh
conflict and the current stage of its settlement. He touched upon the
forthcoming, May 23, elections to the NKR 5th convocation National
Assembly, noting: "Electing representatives of the legislative power,
the Karabakh people once again reminds the world that it is the
determiner of its own fate and is firm to create it in a peaceful way
and in accordance with the democratic principles".

Hovhannes Gevorgian also met with representatives of Club GIER
Enterprises entrepreneurs’ association of the Luar region, introducing
the current economic situation in Artsakh and the possibilities of
investment. The NKR Permanent Representative to France invited the
entrepreneurs to Artsakh for establishing cooperation with the local

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