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Cypriot political parties demand Armenian Genocide recognition

news.am, Armenia
April 24 2010

Cypriot political parties demand Armenian Genocide recognition

17:15 / 04/24/2010Political parties of the Republic of Cyprus
expressed their solidarity to the Armenians in the struggle for the
Armenian Genocide recognition internationally, committed under Ottoman
Empire in 1915-1923.

`Non-recognition of the Genocide by Turkey will jeopardize the whole
mankind,’ statement by Communist Party of Cyprus reads.

Democratic Mobilization Party (DISI) announced that they grieve with
Armenian nation on Genocide victims and back all the steps towards the
international recognition of the Genocide.

`International community should recognize Genocide as a crime against
humanity. Turkey should be punished for the Genocide, perpetrated
against Armenian people,’ the party stated in a statement.

Movement for Social Democracy (EDEK) and Movement of Ecologists and
Environmental also made statements denouncing the Genocide.


Khondkarian Raffi:
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