ISTANBUL: Turkish FM: Mr. Obama’s statement is not acceptable

Today’s Zaman, Turkey
April 25 2010

Turkish foreign minister: Mr. Obama’s statement is not acceptable

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet DavutoÄ?lu said on Saturday that the
statement of US President Barack Obama about 1915 incidents was not
right and acceptable.

Obama described the incidents of 1915 as a "great tragedy" in a
presidential statement he released on April 24. He said what happened
in 1915 was "one of the worst atrocities" of the 20th century.

DavutoÄ?lu told the Anatolia news agency that Turkey was against
judging the history with political motives. He added that the history
could only be researched by historians, and such historical incidents
should be discussed only by the countries which were directly related
with the issue.

DavutoÄ?lu said that neither executive bodies nor parliaments could
make such historical judgements, and this was unacceptable. He added
that the efforts to perceive the history in a one-sided aspect caused
an injustice.

Releasing a statement, Turkish Foreign Ministry also said, "we deeply
regret this statement which reflects an incorrect and one-sided
political perception."

25 April 2010, Sunday