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Riccardo Migliori: Europe urges Turkey to admit its mistakes

Riccardo Migliori: Europe urges Turkey to admit its mistakes

April 24, 2010 – 15:29 AMT 10:29 GMT

The Armenian community of Italy organizes Armenian Genocide memorial
events every year and Italians also take part in them, Italian
Ambassador to RA Bruno Scapini said.

`Italy was one of the first countries to condemn the Armenian
Genocide. We stand for international recognition and condemnation of
the Genocide to prevent similar crimes in future,’ Amb. Scapini told
reporters in Tsitsernakaberd on April 24.

Head of the Italian delegation to OSCE PA, Mr. Riccardo Migliori said
for his part, `The 1915 events refer not only to Armenia-Turkey
relations but to the entire mankind.’

Commenting on Turkey’s possible accession to the EU without
recognition of the Armenian Genocide, Mr. Migliori said that Europe
urges Turkey to admit its mistakes.

Vasilian Manouk:
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