S. Demirtchyan: `Turkey pursued two goals’

S. Demirtchyan: `Turkey pursued two goals’

07:34 pm | April 24, 2010 | Politics

Leader of People’s Party of Armenia (HzhK) Stepan Demirtchyan is not
surprised at Serzh Sargsyan’s decision to suspend the ratification of
Armenian-Turkish Protocols.

"Armenia took the wrong path from the very beginning by signing a
document full of preconditions. Obviously, Serzh Sargsyan’s decision
shows that the Armenian side does not intend to withdraw from the
reconciliation process. Before the president’s address, both Serzh
Sargsyan and National Assembly announced that Armenia would not ratify
the documents until Turkey did," Stepan Demirtchyan told A1+.

Did Armenian authorities need a year and a half to realize that the
protocols carry preconditions?
In rely the HZhK Leader said, "It was vivid from the beginning. Turkey
made use of the process to suspend the genocide recognition and assume
a key role in the Karabakh conflict settlement."

"I don’t think that America, Russia or France were taken aback by Mr.
Sargsyan’s decision" he added.