Sargsyan: We will not allow turning NK into Azerbaijan’s hostage

Serzh Sargsyan: We will not allow turning Nagorno-Karabakh into
Azerbaijan’s hostage

2010-04-24 12:12:00

ArmInfo. Self-determination of the Nagorno-Karabakh people is the
source and the pivot of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and only by
solvin this problem will we be able to solve the other urgent
questions, President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan said in an interview to
RIA Novosti.

"Should Azerbaijan recognize Nagorno-Karabakh’s independence this
problem would be solved within a few hours while the attempts to
eliminate the consequences of the conflict without caring for its
causes may lead to most dangerous scenarios. Our position is that
risks must be minimized as far as people’s security and future are
concerned. We will not allow turning Nagorno-Karabakh into
Azerbaijan’s hostage. We perfectly remember what this all ended in
some 20 years ago and what happend to the Armenian population of
Azerbaijan’s second autonomy – Nakhichevan," Sargsyan said.

Sargsyan said that there is certain danger that the war may resume and
it will exist until an effective peace agreement is signed and peace
and stability are established. "Simply some people in Baku are going
over the limits and are engaging in openly anti-Armenian and bellicose
demagogy," Sargsyan said.

He said that the attempt to solve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict by
means of war is an adventure that may end in a disaster for
Azerbaijan. "New war may destabilize the region for a long time and
may spark new trouble spots but it will not be able to help solve the
problem," Sargsyan said. He is sure that there will be no war in the
near future but the Armenian armed forces must be ready for one at any