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SF: Armenians March For Their Slain Fathers

NBC Bay Area , San Francisco
April 25 2010

Armenians March For Their Slain Fathers

Hundreds flow across the Golden Gate

Hundreds of Armenians gathered in San Francisco Saturday for the "Walk
for Remembrance" across the Golden Gate Bridge commemorating the 95th
Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. They were part of a worldwide
rememberance of the mass killing of their fellow countrymen by Ottoman

The killing began on April 24, 1915 with the murder of 800 Armenian
intellectuals. Ottoman leaders then evicted Armenians from thier homes
— an action that spiraled into the killing of an estimated 1.5
million people.

Hundreds of thousands of people lay flowers at a monument to the
victims in Armenia as part of the ceremonies. Ethnic Armenians also
gathered in cities across the world, including Moscow and Paris.

In East Jerusalem, Armenians protested outside the Turkish consulate.
Turkey has long denied that the deaths were genocide and claim the
death toll is exaggerated.

l-beat/Armenians-March-For-Fallen-Fathers-92026099 .html

Boshkezenian Garik:
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