Statement of Solidarity for the Armenian Day of Remembrance

Bay Area Indymedia
April 25 2010

Statement of Solidarity for the Armenian Day of Remembrance, April 24, 2010

by Alliance-Philippines
Sunday Apr 25th, 2010 6:29 AM

The Alliance-Philippines expressed militant solidarity with the
Armenian Community in the United States in commemorating their Day of
Remembrance for the 1.5 million victims of the Turkish genocide of
1915. The Alliance highly criticized US president Obama’s posture who
refused to declare the 1915 mass killings of Armenians a genocide. In
a double speak, Obama in his statement to mark Armenian Remembrance
Day, Obama described the killings of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman
Turks as "one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century." Yet for
the second year in a row, Obama avoided describing the episode as a

San Francisco’The Alliance-Philippines expressed militant solidarity
with the Armenian Community in the United States in commemorating
their Day of Remembrance for the 1.5 million victims of the Turkish
genocide of 1915.

The Alliance highly criticized US president Obama’s posture who
refused to declare the 1915 mass killings of Armenians a genocide.

In a double speak, Obama in his statement to mark Armenian Remembrance
Day, Obama described the killings of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman
Turks as "one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century." Yet for
the second year in a row, Obama avoided describing the episode as a

Armenian American groups and their allies in Congress have been
pushing for use of the term, and as a presidential candidate in 2008,
Obama promised he would.

Philippines, 1898. Armenia, 1915

AJLPP shares the sentiments of the Armenian National Committee of
America that issued a statement Saturday describing Obama’s
declaration as "yet another disgraceful capitulation to Turkey’s
threats, offering euphemisms and evasive terminology to characterize
this crime against humanity."

`The Philippines like Armenia under Turkey , during the turn of the
century suffered the duplicity of US Imperialism.

The US occupied the country and made it as its first colony together
with Cuba and Puerto Rico. In the process of subjugation the US
imperialist also conducted a genocide killing more than 1.6 Filipinos
from 1898-1916.’

Together we remember the Philippine and Armenian genocide. No matter
how the US and Turkey refused to remember or admits its guilt, our
people will never forget.
