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1915 Genocide Commemoration Events In Washington


April 26 2010

The Armenian Embassy in Washington held Saturday a commemoration
event, timed to the 95th anniversary of the 1915 Genocide of
Armenians. Hundreds of representatives of the numerous Armenian
organisations laid flowers at the Cross-Stone Memorial to the Victims
of the Genocide, committed by Turkey and resulted in more than 1,5
million deaths among civil population of Armenian decent.

Sts Cross and Mariam the Virgin Churches’ leaders served a requiem
service for all Armenians, killed in mass killings and death marches.

Armenia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Tatoul Margarian gave a speech, in
which, in particular, he stressed that as the crimes like Genocide have
no statuses of limitation, the Turkish policy of refusal in the hope of
the passing time is laboring under a great mistake. "Armenian Diaspora
is becoming stronger and more organised, consistent in its claims of
justice; the mutual understanding between Armenia and Diaspora has been
strengthened," said Ambassador Margarian. He added that solidarity
of all Armenians around the Armenian statehood is a key matter for
further strengthening of the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh and for
the achievement of the international recognition and condemnation of
the Genocide of Armenians.

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