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ANCA: US President Disgracefully Capitulates To Turkey’s Threats Aga


2010-04-26 11:47:00

ArmInfo. In yet another disgraceful capitulation to Turkey’s threats,
President Obama today once again failed to properly recognize the
Armenian Genocide, offering euphemisms and evasive terminology to
characterize this crime against humanity, reported the Armenian
National Committee of America (ANCA).

"Today we join with Armenians in the United States and around the world
in voicing our sharp disappointment with the President’s failure to
properly condemn and commemorate the Armenian enocide", stated ANCA
Chairman Ken Hachikian.

"After more than a year of Turkey’s manipulation of the Obama
Administration’s policy on this core human rights issue, and the
collapse of even the pretense of progress of any sort coming from
Ankara, President Obama faced a stark choice: to honor his conscience
and commitment to recognize the Armenian Genocide or to remain an
accomplice to Turkey’s denial of truth and justice for this crime.

Sadly, for the U.S. and worldwide efforts to end the cycle of genocide,
he made the wrong choice, allowing Turkey to tighten its gag-rule on
American genocide policy".

As a Senator and presidential candidate, President Obama pledged
repeatedly to recognize the Armenian Genocide and promised "unstinting
resolve" to end the Darfur Genocide, stating, "America deserves a
leader who speaks truthfully about the Armenian Genocide and responds
forcefully to all genocides. I intend to be that President". Since
then, while stating that his personal views of the events of 1915 have
not changed, President Obama has refrained from properly characterizing
this crime against humanity and going so far as to oppose Congressional
Armenian Genocide legislation (H.Res.252) – which he had pledged to
support during the 2008 Presidential campaign.

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