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Armenian President Received NAS Academicians


APRIL 26, 2010

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan received today members of
the board of Armenian National Academy of Sciences and heads of
scientific-research institutes of the Academy.

Presidential press office told Armenpress that Serzh Sargsyan noted
that he considers it necessary to discuss with them issues impeding
the development of the sphere of science and possible ways of their
solution. "The discussion over it point the right way, I think our
prior issue is to link science with education and economy," the head
of the country pointed out.

Serzh Sargsyan spoke about three prior directions of developing science
and education sphere in Armenia. "The first way we must follow is
the re-equipment of scientific and educational establishments and
more effective usage, that is to say – the continuation of reforms.

The second way is creation of new kind of educational and scientific
establishment like it was established in Tavush – contemporary boarding
school where the classes will be held in foreign language and the
newest achievements of the educational sphere will be applied,"
the leader of the country said.

Armenian President said that the means of the "Louys" Foundation will
be doubled to increase the number of Armenian students who want to
study in foreign leading universities. Serzh Sargsyan pointed out the
necessity of creating an opportunity for young scientists to train
abroad. The president of the country spoke about readiness of the
state to solve certain social issues saying that certain steps must
be undertaken in that direction.

The academicians spoke with the leader of the country about the issues
impeding the development of the science. They pointed out that because
of the absence of experience-structural infrastructures the academy
cannot fully invest its scientific results in the economy. They said
that the absence of such structure makes the flow of private capital to
the science impossible which has an essential importance in making new
researches and forming a scientific result. The participants of the
meeting also spoke about ways of creating mechanisms for establishing
cooperation between the branch institutes of NAS and relevant branches
of economy.

Besides the issues impeding the development of science the academicians
referred also to the issue on normalization of the Armenia-Turkey
relations. They said they back the steps undertaken by the president
and consider them effective.

Toneyan Mark:
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