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BAKU: Turkish MP: Besides Azerbaijan And Turkey, West Is Also Intere


April 26 2010

Day.Az interview with member of the Grand National Assembly of
Turkey (Parliament) from the ruling Justice and Development Party
Irfan Gunduz.

In his annual address to the Armenian Diaspora, U.S. President
Barack Obama once again disappointed Armenians by not using the word
"genocide" to describe 1915 events in the Ottoman Empire. However,
earlier the lower house of the U.S. Congress passed a decision in
favour of the Armenian community…

The fact that Barack Obama did not utter the word "Armenian genocide"
is a manifestation of respect for Turkey. We once again made sure
that we are right and justice will prevail.

Struggle for control over energy resources is central to the U.S.

politics. This is illustrated by the occupation of Iraq and relations
with the Gulf countries. The same policy is formed in the Caspian
region. Turkey is a geo-strategic input into the region. The White
House would never sacrifice its national interests for the sake
of a handful of ambitious Armenian Diaspora. Turkish politicians,
regardless of party affiliation, do not attach much importance to how
many countries have recognized the "Armenian genocide". We believe
historians. No politicians should deal with this issue.

Will Turkey make corrections to its foreign policy in wake of
the Armenian Parliament’s move to suspend ratification of the
Armenia-Turkey protocols?

The decision of the Armenian parliament will have no effect on Turkey’s
position in terms of resuming relations with Armenia.

Conditions advanced to the Armenian side would not be repealed or
revised, no matter Armenian parliament freezes them or not.

The Turkish-Armenian and Armenian-Azerbaijani relations are
interrelated and should be resolved simultaneously. The world community
sticks to the same opinion.

Armenia made a strategic mistake by occupying Azerbaijan’s regions
near the Turkish border. Lachin-Shusha road had linked the Ottoman
Empire with the Turkic world for hundreds of years. Besides Azerbaijan
and Turkey, West is also interested in liberation of the Lachin
corridor. The gas demand is growing steadily in Europe and the EU
needs new sources of energy. This is necessary not only from economic,
but also from a political point of view.

The Russian-Georgian war showed vulnerability of the existence of
only route, that is, Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline.

Therefore, the U.S. and the EU intend to implement the idea of
building another supply route of Caspian energy resources. Amid the
global economic crisis, the Europeans seek to minimize the cost of
gas supply routes. In this sense, the route of the Baku-Yerevan-Ceyhan
oil pipeline is the most cost-effective way of gas pipeline from the
Caspian oil and gas fields to Europe. The whole activity of the West
in terms of normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia
just serve this purpose. But it is impossible to implement this plan
without liberation of occupied Azerbaijani territories. Europe and the
United States understand this very well. The future Baku-Yerevan-Ceyhan
pipeline will pass through the Lachin corridor.

The Armenian diaspora has always been an instrument of pressure on
Turkey, but now West’s interests do not coincide with the plans of the
diaspora. Even if Armenia freezes these protocols and put them in the
fridge, the West will still force Armenia to leave Nagorno-Karabakh.

This meets also EU and the U.S. interests.

Are the sides likely to forget about the Zurich protocols?

Turkey is not going to halt the dialogue with Armenia. We support
peace and security in the South Caucasus region, opening the path
to prosperity in the region and stable development of all peoples of
the Caucasus. But it is impossible to achieve this until the Karabakh
conflict is settled. Armenia must end its occupation of Azerbaijani
territories and to create conditions for return of Azerbaijani refugees
to their native towns and villages.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan made it clear that the
government will not take decisions that would harm Azerbaijan’s
interests. Relations with Armenia will not be restored until Armenia
withdraws troops from Nagorno-Karabakh.

Nahapetian Samvel:
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