Serzh Sargsyan Also Helped Obama To Avoid The Term Genocide: Vladimi


US President Barack Obama’s address this year did not differ greatly
from those made by other US presidents, though there were some
formulations in that address which are encouraging and express US’s
approach over the Armenian nation, a representative of the Armenian
National Congress (HAK) Vladimir Karapetyan said upon’s
request to comment on Obama’s wording in his April 24 address.

With regard to Obama’s avoidance of the term Genocide, in Karapetyan’s
opinion, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan also contributed to it
with the foreign policy he carries out.

"By agreeing to create a historian’s commission with Turkey,
Serzh Sargsyan gave the US administration a chance to state that
there is a change in the situation which enables Barak Obama not
to deliver on his clear promise given previously, by pointing to
the Armenian-Turkish reconciliation process and the historian’s
commission," said Karapetyan.

"Even as we confront the inhumanity of 1915, we also are inspired by
the remarkable spirit of the Armenian people. While nothing can bring
back those who were killed in the Meds Yeghern, the contributions
that Armenians have made around the world over the last ninety-five
years stand as a testament to the strength, tenacity and courage of
the Armenian people. The indomitable spirit of the Armenian people
is a lasting triumph over those who set out to destroy them. Many
Armenians came to the United States as survivors of the horrors
of 1915. Over the generations Americans of Armenian descent have
richened our communities, spurred our economy, and strengthened
our democracy. The strong traditions and culture of Armenians also
became the foundation of a new republic which has become a part of
the community of nations, partnering with the world community to
build a better future," Obama had said in his address.