EU Is Concerned About ‘Loss Of Momentum In Armenia-Turkey Normalizat

15:17 27.04.10

The spokesperson of High Representative of the Union for Foreign
Affairs and Security Policy/Vice President of the Commission Catherine
Ashton issued the following statement today in reference to Armenia’s
suspension of the ratification of the Armenia-Turkey Protocols. The
statement reads as follows:

"The High Representative has taken note of the decision by Armenia
to suspend the ratification of bilateral protocols relating to the
normalization of relations with Turkey. The High Representative is
pleased to note that Armenia remains committed to continue the process
of normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations but at the same time
expresses concern about the loss of momentum in this process. The EU
reiterates its call on both countries to continue their dialogue and
remain committed to the process of normalization without preconditions
and in a reasonable timeframe.

"The High Representative believes that the full normalization of
bilateral relations between Armenia and Turkey will contribute to
security, stability and cooperation in the Southern Caucasus. The EU
will continue to provide this process with its political and technical
support and stands ready to help implementing the steps agreed between
the two countries."