Armenian Assembly Welcomes New Hampshire Armenian Genocide Proclamat

11:34 29/04/2010


Today, the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) and the Armenian
American Action Committee of New Hampshire (ARAMAC-NH) welcomed
Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas’ proclamation designating April 24 as
"Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day."

"Armenian-Americans in New Hampshire are proud of Mayor Ted Gatsas
who stands firmly for the cause of genocide prevention and education"
stated ARAMAC-NH State Chair Mike Manoian. "We call on our federally
elected officials from New Hampshire to support H. Res. 252 and S.

Res. 316, the Armenian Genocide resolutions, as we mark the 95th
anniversary of this ultimate crime against humanity," Manoian

The proclamation stated that "the International Court of Transitional
Justice, the European Parliament, the International Association of
Genocide Scholars, the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide and
20 countries around the world have all reaffirmed the extermination
of the Armenians by the Turkish government as genocide."

New Hampshire is one of 43 U.S. States to officially recognize the
Armenian Genocide.

"The hard work and dedication of our ARAMAC activists state-wide
cannot be overstated," said Taniel Koushakjian, Grassroots Director
of the Armenian Assembly. "We encourage all Americans to join human
rights and anti-genocide activists by writing to their Congressmen and
Senators and asking them to support the Armenian Genocide resolution
pending in the U.S. House and Senate," Koushakjian stated.