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Azerbaijani Defense Ministry Spokesman Calls Armenians Thieves And V


2010-04-29 11:25:00

ArmInfo. Azerbaijani Defense Ministry Spokesman Eldar Sabiroglu comes
out with usual anti-Armenian statements.

Thus Baku-based APA agency reported Sabiroglu as saying "in case
Azerbaijan starts to liberate the occupied lands, Armenia will be
inevitably defeated. Provision of our army with the modern weapons,
military vehicles, martial spirit of soldiers, unanimity of President
and the people create great opportunities for it:. The only factor
is that our country hoped the activity of the Minsk Group and other
international institutions towards the peaceful solution to the
conflict would produce results. Azerbaijan did not want bloodshed in
the region again. This was the essence of Mr. President’s speech at
the meeting. But as seen, Armenia and some known forces impede the
realization of our peaceful policy. Is there any other way under
the present circumstances? Of course, not," he said rhetorically
without explaining what forces he meant. The next phrase brings some
certainty to Sabiroglu’s allegations, though he did not make any direct
allegations. "If the ministry of hostile country, which is reminding
us something with its statement, renews its rusty memory and sees
the truth avoiding the craftiness, it can understand which country
"presents" Azerbaijani lands to Armenia during the first Nagorno
Karabakh war. It seems we need to repeat it. Armenia doesn’t dare to
run a war alone. It is encouraged by the forces in which shadow it
takes refuge. Probably we are expressing our ideas clearly," he said.

Afterwards, Sabiroglu in a hysterical manner resorted to direct
assaults addressed to the Armenian defense minister and the Armenian
nation in general. We will not repeat them, of course.

"We have to do so that we can liberate our lands by the military way
any time. If we look at the history of the war, we can see one truth.

There are occasional cases in the history that the country at war
fired on the holy places of other country and looted everything on
its way. One of these few enormity cases is the Armenian vandalism
and we faced with it in the end of 20th and in the beginning of 21st
century," Sabiroglu said being very reticent about desecration of
Armenian monuments and about Armenian pogroms in Azerbaijan.

Hunanian Jack:
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